this wont fix your original issue. But from a certain version of tomcat onward, 
I found that the server will not start unless you go to <tools> <options> in 
netbeans and select "no proxy".  and also when you right click the Tommcat 
server in the services tab to get to the server properties - click the correct 
tab and select unselect "Use IDE proxy settings".


----- Original Message -----
From: "Don" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2019 8:10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Tomcat in Netbeans 11.1

I knew about the Services tab and my practice has been to undeploy the 
app then shut down Tomcat before I shut down NetBeans.  I didn't know 
about the copy of Tomcat being made although I suspected something like 
that because when the start failed, the process kept running and needed 
to be manually ended.

Thanks for the information,


On 10/30/19 3:19 PM, wrote:
> Well if you're developping in Netbeans, Netbeans always make a copy of 
> tomcat in other folder. When you run the project, Netbeans deploy the 
> project in its working directory and that deploy stays there until you 
> cleaned or undeploy it or undeploy them.
> In Netbeans there's a tab named Services, generally on the left side 
> of the screen, near it is Projects tab and Files tab. In Services you 
> find the servers, expand it and you'll find Tomcat, if you expand 
> Tomcat you will able to see all your deployments that you ran when you 
> were developping on them, you are able to stop ever one of them and 
> undeploy them.
> I hope this helps.
> Greetings.
> Quoting Don <>:
>> I've been using Tomcat in production for about 15 years.  I'm 
>> currently working in 8.5.39.  The people at NetBeans suggested I ask 
>> this list about a problem I experience when I select Project | Run 
>> from the NetBeans project window.
>> Instead of running just the project I selected, it also runs other 
>> projects that are open in NetBeans.  I don't see anything in the 
>> webapps folder when it is running so I have doubts that Tomcat is 
>> keeping track of what is has previously run.
>> Does any of this sound like anything anyone else has experienced?  It 
>> only started happening last week, until then it seemed just fine.
>> Don
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