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On 1/7/20 9:17 AM, zahid wrote:
>> Well - why do you think someone is calling you names? Mark did
>> not,
> right?
> My efforts in chasing up a bug which effected many Apache  and non 
> Apache products
> and  with MR Emmanuel Bourg 's  DILIGENT , VIGOROUS  efforts
> produced this :-
> [1] https://bugs.debian.org/948309 [2]
> https://bugs.debian.org/948310
> IBM can now upgrade from JDK 8 
> https://developer.ibm.com/javasdk/downloads/.
> if this was their issue too.
> I also sent same message to Apache Struts because the local expert
> there was recommending to use JDK 8 to people who had MAVEN warning
> caused when using Internationalisation API. (I looked through
> archive and saw that)
> I also sent same message to Apache NetBeans because they were
> using Maven 3.3.9 (2015)  which knows nothing about the  trouble
> some java classes.
>> Well - why do you think someone is calling you names? Mark did
>> not,
> right?
> Mark T refer to me as "troll"
> I am not part of the fashion victim of *nix, so  Mr Shultz also
> referred to me as a "troll".

Anyone who is stirring-up off-topic trouble on a mailing list for no
apparent purpose is trolling. Whether or not that makes you a troll is

But posting messages about how one operating environment versus
another is superior/inferior is definitely off-topic, especially if it
is not some frustration which you are trying to solve and get past. It
is not useful to the community to post open-ended complaints about
e.g. UNIX or Windows for that matter. So if you hate the UNIX
philosophy, that's fine. We just don't really care to hear you
complain about it. We also don't want to hear complaints about
Windows, MacOS, BeOS, iOS, etc., either.

Extending the (useless) debate just wastes people's time. Extending
the debate is also a technique used by trolls to continue to anger peopl

This is a community that exists to support users of Apache Tomcat.
If you are having a specific problem with an operating environment,
someone (or, typically, more than one someone) who has expertise in
that environment will generally try to explain what is happening and
help you. Complaining about the answer doesn't encourage others to
help you in the future. It also discourages others from participating
in the community, and THAT is the reason why we will (eventually) ban
people who continuously troll our community.

We are not threatening to ban you. We are explaining that actual
trolls WILL be banned.

- -chris

> On 06/01/2020 21:45, logo wrote:
>> Well - why do you think someone is calling you names? Mark did
>> not, right?
>>> Am 06.01.2020 um 22:11 schrieb Zahid Rahman
>>> <zahidr1...@gmail.com>:
>>> Are you calling me names  ?
>>> On Mon, 6 Jan 2020, 20:35 Mark Thomas, <ma...@apache.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 06/01/2020 16:29, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>>>> You have a right to a view, and you can troll all you want.
>>>>> But you will be ignored.
>>>> Up to a point.
>>>> Users that continue to troll will be unsubscribed and blocked
>>>> from re-subscribing.
>>>> As a general reminder aimed at keeping noise down on the
>>>> list:
>>>> Please don't feed the trolls.
>>>> Mark
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