
> Have ever heard of *which* in windows ?
>Yea, no "which" - but have you tried "where" on Win?
> Could also use a "for" in Win (if you understand how to do it).

kub18@UB18:~$ which java
kub18@UB18:~$ whereis java
java: /usr/bin/java /usr/share/java /usr/share/man/man1/java.1.gz

There is no "which", "whereis" or "find" because window users I have file 
explorer, it is a GUI, It makes  use of the screen attached to the computer.Kubuntu , KDE  are catching up 
with MS windows.
> Ummm. Linux came *after* Unix.

there is  a rumour flying around that Linus Torvalds stole the kernel source code.

I guess the chicken had to come first to lay the egg , for an egg thief to steal the egg.

> Okay, no "find" but have you tried: dir /s <drive:>\<pattern> ?

windows explorer is another name for GUI no command line tries needed.

Because it's terse (BTW, the dash is supposed to be connected to "cp", as "-cp")
I use the compiler as a spell checker or as some refer to it as syntax checker.
If I do not leave a space between - and cp then the syntax checker
would have nothing to do ......   you could try grammarly maybe.

-cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
    -classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
    --class-path <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
                  A : separated list of directories, JAR archives,
                  and ZIP archives to search for class files.

You missed one - the CLASSPATH environment variable
Rwong - Class-Path is used in the Manifest.

No  MR R."WONG" you missed all the points. Put a dot in your CLASSPATH
Because it's descriptive and self-commenting
I guess all those *.nix argument flags like
ls -a -A -b -B  are examples of Software Engineering Naming Conventions at its 

java -cp was too hard to figure out so you had to have a more description 
version java -classpath.
I thought maybe it was because you want to get paid by the number of letters 
you type.

No, but that's because the security model in Windows is *different*
"chmod" is like taking the house keys away from house owner, strange idea of 
That is my view. I hope you appreciate I have a right to a view point.

You could always chmod 777 * and you will have MS WINDOWS friendly user 
On 06/01/2020 08:57, calder wrote:

On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 7:26 PM zahid <zahidr1...@gmail.com> wrote:

Have ever heard of "*chmod*" in windows ?
No, but that's because the security model in Windows is *different*
than for *nix OSes.
On Win, there's attrib, xcacls, cacls, and icacls, but none of those
truly match was chmod does.
So, one needs to understand the underlying models for *nix and Windows
to properly describe the differences.

Have ever heard of *which* in windows ?
Yea, no "which" - but have you tried "where" on Win?
Could also use a "for" in Win (if you understand how to do it).

  or *find* in windows ?
Okay, no "find" but have you tried:  dir /s <drive:>\<pattern> ?

why is this same unique behaviour in Unix which came after Linux.
Ummm.  Linux came *after* Unix.

why is there three ways to do same thing  ?
java - cp
Because it's terse (BTW, the dash is supposed to be connected to "cp", as "-cp")

java - classpath
Because it's descriptive and self-commenting
(BTW, the dash is supposed to be connected to "classpath", as "-classpath")

java - class-path
Rwong - Class-Path is used in the Manifest.

You missed one - the CLASSPATH environment variable

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ♡۶
java cp classpath class-path
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