my system is a windows 10 64 bit laptop.
I am running tomcat 9
Here is the directory of my Java environment

 Volume in drive C is TI10673200G
 Volume Serial Number is 5E9D-3D3F

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Java

Sat Jan 25, 2020  06:03 AM    <DIR>          .
Sat Jan 25, 2020  06:03 AM    <DIR>          ..
Tue Jan 01, 2019  03:47 PM    <DIR>          jdk1.8.0_191
Sat Jan 25, 2020  06:02 AM    <DIR>          jre1.8.0_241
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               4 Dir(s)  559,190,065,152 bytes free

I can successfully run my old app which I wrote some time ago. However when
I try to run my new app I just get a blank screen.
When I check the tomcat log it shows a HTTP status code of 421 which means
"misdirected request" (i have never seen this code before while running my
tomcat server)

My new app is structured just like my old app. There is an index.html file
which automatically redirects to a JSP page.

     1 <html>
     2 <head>
     3 <title>QWLC Data Management/title>
     4 <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3; URL=enter.jsp">
     5 </head>
     7 <body>
     8 If you are looking for the entrance for the qwlc data management,
you are very close.<br>
     9 <a href="enter.jsp">Click here to enter the qwlc data management</a>
    11 <br>
    12 YOU WILL BE REDIRECTED IN 3 SECONDS - <br>If the redirect does not
    13 please click on the link above.
    15 </body>
    16 </html>

This error occurs no matter which browser I use. When I type "CTRL-U" in my
browser to see the HTML code I see the code from my index.html file. I am
wondering why the redirect did not work for this new app.

One minor difference with what I see from CTRL-U as compared to my old app.
In the CTRL-U output in my old app the "enter.jsp" is underlined.

Any ideas as to where I can look for the problem ?



Barry Kimelman
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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