On 14/04/2020 07:34, Brian Burch wrote:


> I searched for usages of MessageDigestCredentialHandler.setAlgorithm,
> but only found it used once - within TestJNDIRealm. I did not find any
> occurrences within tomcat mainline code, but would not be surprised if
> the algorithm was intended to be set within code which used
> introspection at runtime.

Correct. During the parsing of server.xml

> My initial code inspection makes me strongly suspect tomcat does not
> initialise JNDIRealm and a nested CredentialHandler properly during
> startup. However, I am not smart enough to attach my debugger to the
> tomcat jvm until it is too late.
> I had a smart idea... at a breakpoint I changed the value of the
> algorithm instance variable from null to "SHA" before the comparison,
> but I was slapped down with the following Exception:-

If you had tried "SHA-1" here it should have worked.

> So, if anyone has read this far, perhaps you can suggest my next best
> course of action. Does this seem to be a bug in tomcat processing of
> server.xml and initialisation of the JNDIReal nested CredentialHandler's
> algorithm attribute? Is there a smart way to catch the tc8 startup
> process and catch it early enough in my remote debugger?
> Are the classes org.apache.catalina.storeconfig.RealmSF and
> CredentialHandlerSF where I should be looking for a bug?

No. That is to do with writing out server.xml. You can ignore them in
this context. If it were a Tomcat bug I'd start looking around
RealmRuleSet or CredentialHandlerRuleSet

> Or perhaps I
> have just coded my server.xml badly and the algorithm is being silently
> ignored?

I'd expect you to see an error message if your server.xml isn't quite
right although that is what this looks like.


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