We have a struts application on tomcat 5.0.25 jdk1.4, which does not seem to 
maintain session, when the request lands up on a particular tomcat. 
  We have two struts application, say app1, app2. 
  tomcat 1 to 4 hosts app1.
  tomcat 6 to 8 hosts both app1 and app2.
  The problem happens for app1 when the request lands up on tomcat 6 to 8 
hosting both the applications.
  While going through some of the previous post, I saw that 5.5 has a parameter 
emptySessionPath="true" Is there anything similar for 5.0.25? 
  I saw the sessionid changes between requests when the request lands up on 
tomcat 6 to 8. Why its happening for struts application on tomcat only? Our 
other applications not using struts works fine. I checked the session is 
obtained via the method request.getSession(false);
  Also if only tomcat 6 is running out of all the tomcats we never face the 
problem, the moment we put another tomcat into the mix the session is no longer 
  Anybody had similar experience?
  Any help will be much appreciated,
  Thanks for reading.
  Rumpa Giri

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