On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 3:43 PM Sean Neeley <sean.nee...@producepro.com>

> I heard that tomcat is no longer available for RHEL 8.  Does anyone know
> why this is?  What free alternatives are there for java servlets, which
> have rpm packages managed by Red Hat?  Thanks

The answer to your question is pretty complicated IMO, but check out
https://access.redhat.com/solutions/661403 or open a support ticket and
inquire further (both suggestions assume you have a support subscription).
As far as what other free servlet containers there are available, I don't
know of any in RHEL, but the Tomcat package still exists on Fedora. There
is a BZ to create an EPEL 8 Tomcat package, but honestly I don't think it's
likely to get much traction because the dependencies needed to build Tomcat
on RHEL 8 are no longer provided either and would have to be added back to
the distro. The best way forward for you is probably to repackage the
Tomcat binaries from the ASF into an RPM (which should be pretty easy and
you can use https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/tomcat as an example), if
that's what you need to install. Otherwise you can just unzip/untar Tomcat
and use it as usual.

> --
> Sean Neeley | Senior Developer
> t. 630.395.9600 x6234
> sean.nee...@producepro.com
> Produce Pro Softwareâ„¢
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