
Due to some backward compatibility concerns, I need to support both
Jersey-1 and Jersey-2 on the same Tomcat instance. This is an embedded
tomcat which runs inside a JVM application.

Since, Jersey-1 and Jersey-2 have different JAXRS  versions, I tried to
remove both jsr311 and javax.ws.rs-2 from my JVMs classpath. And instead
packaged these in the WAR/WEB-INF\lib along with jersey version specific
jars like jersey-core-1.x, jersey-common-2.x etc.

Now when I start my Jersey-1 application, it couldn't find

I read Classloader HOW-TO and although it says that the order of loading
JavaEE classes is bootstrap first, it never says anything about WEB-INF as
a source for these jars.

So if there any way I can load javax.* classes from WEB-INF\lib?

Thanks in advance

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