On 22/07/2020 11:35, Chirag Dewan wrote:
> Thanks for a very quick reply Mark.
> The Tomcat version is 8.5.46.
> Though I do plan to upgrade to 9.0.36 in the coming weeks.

OK. Both behave the same way which makes things easier.

See the source code for full details but the summary is:

First Tomcat checks if the requested class is available from the same
class loader that loaded java.lang.String. If it is, it loads it from
that class loader. This prevents web applications over-ridding Java SE

If the class has not been loaded yet, Tomcat then checks to see if it is
a class that Tomcat is expected to provide. If it is, it uses the common
class loader to load it.

If the class isn't loaded the following search order is used:
- WEB-INF/classes
- WEB-INF/lib
- $CATALINA_BASE/lib (for classes)
- $CATALINA_BASE/lib (for JARs)
- bootstrap / classpath

Embedded scenarios tend not to set up the same class loader structure as
stand alone Tomcat. Often, they use a single class loader for
everything. I'd check that your scenario works in a stand alone Tomcat
first and once you have that working, transfer it to embedded with
particular attention to class loader configuration.


> Chirag
> On Wed, 22 Jul, 2020, 4:03 pm Mark Thomas, <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 22/07/2020 11:18, Chirag Dewan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Due to some backward compatibility concerns, I need to support both
>>> Jersey-1 and Jersey-2 on the same Tomcat instance. This is an embedded
>>> tomcat which runs inside a JVM application.
>>> Since, Jersey-1 and Jersey-2 have different JAXRS  versions, I tried to
>>> remove both jsr311 and javax.ws.rs-2 from my JVMs classpath. And instead
>>> packaged these in the WAR/WEB-INF\lib along with jersey version specific
>>> jars like jersey-core-1.x, jersey-common-2.x etc.
>>> Now when I start my Jersey-1 application, it couldn't find
>>>  javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyReader.
>>> I read Classloader HOW-TO and although it says that the order of loading
>>> JavaEE classes is bootstrap first, it never says anything about WEB-INF
>> as
>>> a source for these jars.
>>> So if there any way I can load javax.* classes from WEB-INF\lib?
>> Tomcat version?
>> Different Tomcat versions have taken different approaches to
>> implementing this requirement. A recent(ish) implementation should be
>> fine but with the exact version number we can give a better answer.
>> Mark
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