
We have a server with Apache Tomcat/9.0.37 which is dedicated for less than 100 
concurrent users. We are using the ARP Connector with the parameter 
 <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443"  maxThreads="400" />

We have the next behavior:
Tomcat does not process any new request with currentThreadCount = X and  
currentThreadBusy = X, but with X=30 or 50. ConnectionCount is increasing.

A far as I understood, the number of threads should increase if  
currentThreadBusy is increasing.
We prevent this behavior by setting minSpareThreads to 100.

  *   Is this behavior correct?
  *   How the Connector should be configured in order to increase the 
currentThreadCount when currentThreadBusy is equal to currentThreadCount?

Best regards
Vicente Pérez

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