On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 2:01 PM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 29/09/2020 12:25, Mark Thomas wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > We (the Tomcat community) have some funding from Google to help us
> > improve Tomcat security. Our original plan was to use the funding to
> > support an in-person security focussed hackathon. As you would expect,
> > those plans are on hold for now. We would, therefore, like to explore
> > the possibility of doing something virtually.
> >
> > The purpose of this email is to gather input from the community about
> > what such an event should look like. With that input we can put together
> > a plan for the event. So, over to you. What would your ideal virtual
> > event focussed on Tomcat Security look like?
> Summarising the suggestions so far:
> - application security / OWASP
> - making HTTP requests *from* Tomcat
>  - SSO / SAML / OpenIDConnect
> The first two are more application security focussed and would not have
> to be Tomcat specific.
> The third is more likely to Tomcat specific depending on the extent to
> which the SSO mechanism ties into Tomcat's internals.
> All the suggestions so far have been for conference like presentations
> (if I am reading them correctly).
> Other possibilities:
> - hackathon to implement (with support from committers) new security
>   features (no idea what these might be - suggestions welcome)
> - hackathon to run $tool_of_choice against Tomcat code base, review the
>   results and fix (with committer support) those that need fixing.
>   Suggestions as to tools to use welcome*
> Anything else you'd like to suggest that is related to Tomcat and security.
> There hasn't been any thought given to timing yet.
> Mark
> * I'll note that over the years most if not all of the major static
> analysis tools have been run against the Tomcat code base and the
> results have been very heavy on the false positives. Most of the work is
> likely to be separating the few useful results from a lot of noise.
Has a "when" been decided yet?



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