Hello Rob,

Do you have a stacktrace or error message that you can share?



El lun, 15 feb 2021 a las 1:26, Rob Sargent (<rsarg...@xmission.com>)

> Yep, me again.
> Inching along here, unable as yet to re-create ssl traffic when not on
> localhost. Moving from my basement (localhost) where ssl worked using
>     SGSSRVR_keystoreFile     = /home/rob/Downloads/tomcat/localhost-rsa.jks
>     SGSSRVR_truststoreFile      =
>     /home/rob/Downloads/tomcat/localhost-rsa-cert.pem
>     SGSSRVR_storeType     = JKS
> to my office with three separate machines where I can better impersonate
> AWS.
> Following Chris's adivce (since I've been given the green light to
> self-sign)
>     | Most people just want to mint a key+cert and have Tomcat use that
>     for TLS. You can do that very simply:
>     | $ keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA -keysize 4096
>     -alias ${HOSTNAME} -keystore ${HOSTNAME}.p12 -storetype PKCS12 -ext
>     san=dns:${HOSTNAME}
>     | Fill-out all the stuff. This gives you a new RSA key and a
>     self-signed certificate. If self-signed is okay with you, you are done.
> I put in my fully qualified hostname("k1"), and added the full path of
> the .p12 file to my configuration props
>     SGSSRVR_keystoreFile           =
> /home/u0138544/aws/deploy/server/k1.p12
>     SGSSRVR_keystoreAlias         = k1
>     SGSSRVR_keystorePwd          = as-assigned
>     SGSSRVR_truststoreFile         =
> /home/u0138544/aws/deploy/server/k1.p12
>     SGSSRVR_truststoreAlias       = k1
>     SGSSRVR_truststorePwd        = as-assigned
>     ##(with and without)
>     SGSSRVR_storeType        = PCKS12 (JKStoo)
> and pick those up as follows (including trying only key and only trust
> portions)
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("sslProtocol", "TLS");
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("keyAlias",
>     System.getProperty("SGSSRVR_keystoreAlias"));
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("keystorePass",
>     System.getProperty("SGSSRVR_keystorePwd"));
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("keystoreFile",
>     keyFile.getAbsolutePath());
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("keystoreType",
>     System.getProperty("SGSSRVR_storeType"));
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("truststoreType",
>     System.getProperty("SGSSRVR_storeType"));
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("truststoreFile",
>     trustFile.getAbsolutePath());
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("truststorePassword",
>     System.getProperty("SGSSRVR_truststorePwd"));   //always false
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("truststoreAlias",
>     System.getProperty("SGSSRVR_truststoreAlias"));  //always false
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("SSLEnabled", "true");
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("clientAuth", "false");
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("maxThreads", "200");
>          done = done && connector.setProperty("SSLEnabled", "true");
>          if (! done) {
>            System.out.println("Some problem(s) in connector setup");
>          }
> If anyone can tell me where I've gone wrong (again) I'm all ears.


"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."

- Samuel Beckett

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