
A bunch of clients at $work are suddenly asking if they can restrict their users to certain IP "addresses" when logging-in. Should be easy with a Filter or similar, right?

Tomcat has both RemoteCIRDFilter and RemoteIPFilter: why re-invent the wheel?

Looking at RemoteCIDRFilter (which is much more flexible than RemoteIPFilter), I can see these methods:

  public void setDeny(String deny);
  public String getDeny();
  public void setAllow(String allow);
  public String getAllow();

At first, I thought "maybe I can simply subclass and override getAllow()" but the class's code references its own member directly:

    private boolean isAllowed(final String property) {

        for (final NetMask nm : allow) {
            if (nm.matches(addr)) {
                return true;


The isAllowed() method itself is private and therefore not overridable.

For the sake of argument, I could change that code to:

        for (final NetMask nm : getAllowNetMasks()) {
            if (nm.matches(addr)) {
                return true;

... and introduce a new method which returns that member, then override it in my subclass.

Since this control needs to be implemented as a per-user setting, the existing "allow" and "deny" members would be ignored.

Other than a trivial waste of memory (and the dependence upon Tomcat-specific code), can anyone think of a reason not to simply make these changes and subclass the Filter in my own application?


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