
I got this error when accessing my site:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /mainframenotlogged.jsp (line: [1], column: 
[2]) JSP file [../am_databaseopen.jsp] not found

The URL I'm accssing is like
and when I go into the directory with a console and list the file 
../am_databaseopen.jsp it is there.

I then tried to make a symlink to ../am_databaseopen.jsp in the sub-directory 
and changed the file mainframenotlogged.jsp to use that but it gave the same 
error (but pointing to a file ind the same directory).

I have gone through permissions and all files are owned by user "tomcat" so 
that should not be the problem.

The server did chrashed and som configuration got lost and there is no backup.  
A new site with Tomcat 8.5.66 has been setup.

Any help much appriciated.

bets regards

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