Hi Chris

[lots of snippage]

cb> One of our web apps is using a "lot" of memory, specifically a big
cb> user query.  We'd like to find out why.
cb> 1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?
cb> * AWS EC2 instance.
cb> * There are other TC instances on the same server.
cb> * Each TC instance has multiple apps.

cs> What's the goal? Do you just Want To Know, or are you trying
cs> to solve an actual problem.

a. Barely enough memory to distribute among the multiple TC instances and the 
apps they support.  A big enough user query (no throttling) causes OOME's.  
Attempting to determine if the code is being wasteful in some way and therefore 
could be made more efficient.

b. It's a dev app server (EC2) which hosts diff stages in the dev process - 
dev, test, and prototype streams.  Multiple TC instances (3) because multiple 
copies of the apps don't play nice with each other.  That is, we can't just 
rename the WAR files and expect the deployed apps to stay inside that context 
name (I think).

c. I don't want to debug the code.  I'm relatively new to the project, 
unfamiliar with some of the code, and anticipate getting lost in the weeds.  
See point #1 below.  ;-)

cs> If you have a bunch of garbage that's not being cleaned up,
cs> usually it's because there is simply no need to do so. The GC
cs> is behaving according to the 3 laws of rob..., er, 3 virtues of
cs> computing[1]:
cs>    1. Laziness: nothing needs that memory so... meh
cs>    2. Impatience: gotta clean that Eden space quick
cs>    3. Hubris: if I ever need more memory, I know where to find it

cs> [1] http://threevirtues.com/

Ha ha ha!  :-)

cs> How long does the query take to run?

Dunno about the time on the DB query itself.  From the user's point of view, a 
full minute plus.

cs> What kind of query is it? Are we talking about something like SQL

Yup.  Classic RDMS back-end.

cs> or some in-memory database or something which really does
cs> take a lot of memory for the application to fulfill the request?

Nah, nothing that fancy.  The only fancy part is using node.js for the 

I followed Amit's and John's suggestion of using Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool's 
"Keep unreachable options" when running a query from the app client.  Digging 
deeper into the Leak Suspects Report, I saw a StringBuilder - 264MB for the 
supporting byte array and 264MB for the returned String, about 790MB total for 
that piece of the pie.  Contents were simply the JSON query results returned to 
the client.  No mystery there.

I suspect that repeating the process with multiple queries will reveal multiple 
StringBuilder's each containing big honking JSON results.  So the issue may not 
be a problem with efficiency so much as one of simple memory hogging.  (At 
least StringBuilder is being used instead of plus-sign String concatenation.)

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer


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