
On 8/31/21 11:59, Yeggy Javadi wrote:
I am trying to troubleshoot a 'too many open files' issue. In our web
application there are connections to Postgres database and I see the
number of open sockets keep increasing.
Try using 'lsof' on the process to see what those open files are pointing to. Are you sure you are running out of files with many database connections, or is it just a suspicion?

You can probably also ask the database how many connections are open.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Debug apache-tomcat-8.5.59 open sockets on Linux 8


On 8/31/21 11:22, Yeggy Javadi wrote:
Please indicate if there is any debug option and log that can trace
sockets open by tomcat to identify when and by which application
function a socket is open.
Do you mean a web application?

Tomcat manages incoming HTTP/2/Websocket/APR connections on behalf of the web 
applications deployed into it, so the connections aren't "owned"
by a particular web application.

Outgoing connections are typically the responsibility of the application 
itself, unless you are talking about specific connections Tomcat may provide 
(e.g. SMTP or JDBC).

What problem are you trying to solve?


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