Q1) As long as I do not referece the classes, which I believe means the
classes are not loaded, then there is not problem. When they are accessed,
then it fails. The classes are in both common, shared and webapps, where
else I am supposed to place them?

First, read the classloader howto on the tomcat website (http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/class-loader-howto.html). Then pick ONE and eliminate the others. If the classes are used only on one webapp or access other classes within the webapp itself, place them in WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes. Move up to shared or common only if the classes are used by several webapps or the engine itself. Placing pooled database connection drivers in common/lib is a perfect example of classes accessed by the tomcat engine and the webapp.

Q2) How do I turn on Logging at the debug level in Tomcat, or any kind of
meaningful logging to figure out what is happening?

See the tomcat website for your version of tomcat.


Luis Rivera wrote:

  Hi Barry and Tomcat/users/devs,

I am hoping an axis/tomcat/dev/user will have a good advise. I am sure more
than one user has needed to use axis/tomcat and a JNI interface, so I am
sure this has been done. I need classes in the shared context and classes in
the webapps context, which cause serialization/desearialization problems
when making calls among classes between the two contexts.

I write the questions here, in case a reader don't want to go through the
whole explanation below them.

Q1) As long as I do not referece the classes, which I believe means the
classes are not loaded, then there is not problem. When they are accessed,
then it fails. The classes are in both common, shared and webapps, where
else I am supposed to place them?

Q2) How do I turn on Logging at the debug level in Tomcat, or any kind of
meaningful logging to figure out what is happening?

Q3) Is there a way to enable remote debugging using Eclipse? ... I read that
it is possible, but is there any configuration in Tomcat I need to change
and does it include setting a port for it?

I found the log that has the stdout, which was showing a couple of
exceptions, which I solved by placing the appropriate jar files in the right place. However, the problem didn't go away, there is something in the Tomcat servlet or axis (I don't know) that is handling an exception in the server
side, because I have a try {} catch () {} where the problem ocurrs and I
don't catch anything, but the exception is returned to the client. Now not
even an exception is thrown to the stdout or staderr files.

The problems comes when in the shared/classes files I access the parameters that use the classes generated by the WSDL2java tool. Those classes are in




I also dropped the axis jar files in


but I still have a problem. At this point it would be nice to at leasts see the DEBUG output from Tomcat, but I am not sure how to do that or if it is something related to axis. To make this more explicit, this example works:

class CRLStub


public void getCompay(CompanyHolder company, StringHolder result)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException
    company.value = new soap.xsd.CompanyInfo();

    result.value = "ok";

Now, if I try to do the following, there is no error, but obviously, the
result is not the same

class CRLStub


public void getCompay(CompanyInfoHolder company, StringHolder result)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException
    jnInSharedContext.getCompany(company, result);

class JNIcrlInSharedContext


public void getCompany(CompanyInfoHolder company, StringHolder result)
   /// No problem as long as I don't access neither company or result

But if I do this, then I receive the
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at the client side, even if I
try to catch the exception with a try {} catch () {} pair.

public void getCompany(CompanyInfoHolder company, StringHolder result)
    company.value = new soap.xsd.CompanyInfo();
I would appreciate any kind of hint,
Thanks in advance,
--Luis R.

On 7/18/06, Propes, Barry L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

none of the logs mention it?
I realize Tomcat does seem a bit bereft of info in the logs sometime.
Would it have been a case where it printed to the system console instead? Mine does that sometimes, instead of (or in addition to) the log(s) and I
troubleshoot it that way.

-----Original Message-----
From: Luis Rivera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:00 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.5/Axis 1.4

    Hi Shankar,

Thanks a lot. I found my problem. It turned out not to be a Classloader
problem, but a NullPointer (THANKS TO TIM FOR THE HINT :) ) problem in the
server, which I had not found because I don't know how to debug my
application in Tomcat and there is no single log in the Tomcat directory
that can give me a clue of what's happening.

Anyway, the configuration worked as I had it initially:

1) Dropping the axis.jar in the WEB-INF/lib as you pointed out.

2) Stubs/Skeletons and all that had nothing to do with the JNI in

3) The classes for the JNI interface/loading the jni library under

I think if I can find a way to debug our application in the server, we
get better light on what is happening and solve problems a lot quicker :|.
It's like driving blind right now :|.

Anybody knows how to debug remotely axis/tomcat apps?

   --Luis R.

On 7/18/06, Shankar Unni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Luis Rivera wrote:
> > I have a web service which will JNI to access the application, which
> > according to the documentation should be placed in the shared/classes
> > directory. I did so and I got a dreaded
> > java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException, which I believe is a
> > loader problem.
> You need to put the Axis jar in the WEB-INF/lib of your webapp. It
> wasn't clear in the original message whether you'd done it like this.
> That's because the common classloader is the *parent* of your webapp's
> classloader, and thus can't see any classes that are in your webapp. So
> you can't put the Axis library there.
> Note: only axis.jar itself really needs to go into the webapp's
> WEB-INF/lib. The rest of the Axis jars (saaj.jar, etc.) can go into
> common/lib, if you have many webapps in the same Tomcat instance that
> use Axis.
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