
On 9/23/22 11:20 AM, Cannatella, Douglas wrote:
We are currently using Tomcat 8.5.53 and tried to upgrade patch
8.5.81 & 8.5.82 using Ivanti Patch tool.
Did it work?

Our project is using OpenJDK version: 1.8.0_242, Microsoft
Framework 4.0.0 running TR/ OneSource Indirect Tax Determination
That sounds like a fun environment.

Ivanti patch tool has overlayed Tomcat service running on the D
drive, on the C drive including war files and registry settings.
Sounds great. Is that what it's supposed to do? We don't know anything about Ivanti.

Is there any way to manual install patches to keep Tomcat version
8.5.82 current on the D drive which is running Catalina under Windows
2019 Server.
The Apache Tomcat project periodically produces new versions of supported versions of Apache Tomcat. All 4 currently-supported major versions (8.5, 9.0, 10.0, and 10.1) receive roughly monthly patch releases.

The Apache Tomcat team does not distribute actual patches. Instead, we release new versions of the complete package. It should be easy to stay up-to-date if you are comfortable with Apache Tomcat. Simply download and install the update whenever it becomes available.

Here are two resources you might want to refer to:

Generally, releases within the same major version (e.g. 8.5.x) are all compatible, but READ THE CHANGELOG ( to see if anything might affect your environment. You are upgrading past a LOT of revisions, so you will haev to do a lot of reading.

Also read the MIGRATION GUIDE (, especially the "Notable Changes" section for your version(s).

Do I need capture logs which one's and capture Tomcat access
, or threadumps?
You only need to do such things if you care to do so. Thread dumps are only useful if you are experiencing a problem. Logs can either be useful or not, depending on your needs.

Next steps to download Tomcat manual installation on DEV
environment? Next step to download Apache Tomcat(r) - Apache Tomcat 8
Software Downloads< >
Yes, that's the right place to get the latest ZIP distribution of Apache Tomcat.
Apache Tomcat 8 (8.5.82) - Tomcat 

Yes, that's a good place to get started.


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