Hi David,

is it a moving server? We had similar issues on a airborn server crossing 
nation-borders rapidly.

10 minutes is unusual. The lowest timezone-change is 15 minutes afaik.

Kind regards

> Hi all,
> I've experienced an issue since the morning of the 21st that I'm
> hoping to get some direction on for where to look.
> An app uses the date/time to set a timeout for a password reset.
> This had been working fine for years and suddenly it failed. A restart of
> tomcat allowed it to work for a day, then 12 hours, then 5 hours, then 1 hr
> and now is averaging a 10 minute or so working duration between tomcat
> restarts.
> Changing the logging in the app showed that the issue is due to it
> sending UTC to the DB while it is broken. Restarting Tomcat results in CDT
> being sent for a while until randomly it switches again.
> RHEL 7.9, jvm 1.8.0_231-b11, Tomcat 9.0.29
> ntp is on, chrony is syncing, Java states correct time when queried
> however unsure if it's JDK or JRE when targeted. OS time is good.
> When I redeploy the app, log timestamps for the app are in UTC as well
> until restarting tomcat. During the issue the log timestamp remains in
> CDT as expected, even though values passed are UTC.
> I have explicitly defined the timezone in setenv.sh with no change in
> behavior.
> Any thoughts as what to investigate are greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> David

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