Hi all,

      I've experienced an issue since the morning of the 21st that I'm
hoping to get some direction on for where to look.

      An app uses the date/time to set a timeout for a password reset.
This had been working fine for years and suddenly it failed.  A restart of
tomcat allowed it to work for a day, then 12 hours, then 5 hours, then 1 hr
and now is averaging a 10 minute or so working duration between tomcat

    Changing the logging in the app showed that the issue is due to it
sending UTC to the DB while it is broken.  Restarting Tomcat results in CDT
being sent for a while until randomly it switches again.

RHEL 7.9, jvm 1.8.0_231-b11, Tomcat 9.0.29
ntp is on, chrony is syncing,  Java states correct time when queried
however unsure if it's JDK or JRE when targeted.  OS time is good.

When I redeploy the app, log timestamps for the app are in UTC as well
until restarting tomcat.   During the issue the log timestamp remains in
CDT as expected,  even though values passed are UTC.

I have explicitly defined the timezone in setenv.sh with no change in

Any thoughts as what to investigate are greatly appreciated.


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