
On 12/6/22 08:48, Mark H. Wood wrote:
On Mon, Dec 05, 2022 at 03:37:59PM -0500, Christopher Schultz wrote:
On 12/5/22 15:03, Cathy Spears wrote:
Using Tomcat 8.5 and 9.0 with 32-bit Apache 2.4 and mod_jk. Are there
benefits to using mod_proxy instead of mod_jk? Also, is there a
planned end of life for mod_jk or will it continue to be supported
for now?
Hopefully this will be helpful:

I read this as a question about mod_proxy_ajp vs. mod_jk.

I think I make the case that mod_proxy_ajp is a (slightly) better choice than mod_jk in that presentation.

Happily using mod_proxy_ajp here for some years.  Both work well but I
very much prefer the way mod_proxy_ajp integrates with the proxy
configuration in HTTPD.


And it doesn't require a custom-built add-on.


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