On 14/12/2022 03:20, Tim N wrote:
I'm currently using embedded Tomcat 9.0.68 and have encountered the
infamous compatibility issue with ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader when
upgrading from Java 8 to Java 17.
for a good summary.

The custom class loader approach described in one of the answers is a viable option.

Is it possible to utilise and modify the Tomcat classloader hierarchy for
embedded Tomcat to add to the classpath, specifically:
  - Add some shared libraries as done with the 'shared.loader' for Tomcat
for production and development environments

No. The same class loader hierarchy isn't constructed when running in embedded mode.

  - Add another module's classes to the classpath for a web-app for
development environment only (e.g. add "../sub-module/target/classes" to

Yes. Each web application still retains its own class loader. You configure the web application resources to map static resources, JARs and/or directories of classes to the right place in your web app.

For example (totally untested but should give you the idea):

Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat();
Context context = tomcat.addContext("", "/some/path");
WebResourceRoot root = context.getResources();
DirResourceSet extraJARs = new DirResourceSet(root,
        "/WEB-INF/lib", "/path/to/extra/jars", "");

In Java 8 I can achieve this by calling 'addURL' on 'URLClassLoader', but
that is no longer possible in Java 9+.

Is there any official documentation for this?

The docs for configuring this in context.xml are here:


Javadoc for doing it directly is here:




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