> On May 22, 2024, at 10:51, Garber, Frank 
> <francis.gar...@elevancehealth.com.INVALID> wrote:
> I've just installed Tomcat 9.0.89.


> Tomcat runs, and I can get to the console at http://localhost:8080/ but, when 
> I click on "Server Status" I get the 401 Unauthorized page.


> I've been editing the conf\tomcat-users.xml file and have tried MANY 
> different combinations of entries but, can't get past the 401 problem.


> Here's my current file contents:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <tomcat-users xmlns=http://tomcat.apache.org/xml
>              xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance
>              xsi:schemaLocation=http://tomcat.apache.org/xml 
> tomcat-users.xsd<http://tomcat.apache.org/xml%20tomcat-users.xsd>
>              version="1.0">

If the above is what you actually have in the .xml file, you should also be 
seeing parsing errors in the catalina.out log file, since it’s not valid XML. 
Once corrected to the following, access to the server status pages worked 

<tomcat-users xmlns="http://tomcat.apache.org/xml";
              xsi:schemaLocation="http://tomcat.apache.org/xml tomcat-users.xsd"

Note the missing quotes and seriously munged-up xsi:schemaLocation attribute in 
your posting.

If you’re using an editor that thinks it’s clever to convert http:// references 
into HTML, get a better editor.

  - Chuck

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