I am trying to setup JNDI for tomcat with a java webapp. I am using the
official tomcat docker image (version 10.1.24-jdk21-temurin-jammy).
However, I'm a bit confused about where to put the context.xml file. I
tried putting it in /usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/context.xml
but tomcat refuses to start with the error "The main resource set specified
[/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/context] is not a directory or war file, or is
not readable'. I put my war file in /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war

Are these paths correct or should I have put the context.xml or war file in
a different directory? My hosting provider does not want me to edit the
server.xml file (I have found google articles suggesting defining the JNDI
<Resource> tag in the server.xml and then using a <ResourceLink> in the
context.xml, but my hosting provider wants me to define the <Resource> tag
in the context.xml file instead of the server.xml file).

Thanks for your help!

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