
> URL's tried:
> Tomcat default page: http://<host>:8080/
> Next, I clicked on the jsp examples link on the default Page, it
> returned HTTP Status 404 - /jsp-examples/
>           http://<host>:8080/jsp-examples/
> I even tried individual pages, same 404 return code: HTTP Status 404 -
> /jsp-examples/jsp2/simpletag/hello.jsp
>         http://<host>:8080/jsp-examples/jsp2/simpletag/hello.jsp

Try looking at the server.xml file for Tomcat to see if the examples
context is actually enabled. It might be commented-out or otherwise
disabled. I don't have much experience with Tomcats after 4.1.32 :O but
there are new ways of deploying webapps that you might have to check.

When in doubt, check the auto-deply WAR directory to see if
jsp-examples.war or anything like that is in there.


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