>Do you need Apache httpd for some reason? Supporting PHP or
  >some other non-Java app? If not, forget it and mod_jk.
  >Each individual app (Context) is contained within the appropriate Host
  element. That's it.
  Yes I need httpd so I could also host PHP 5 applications. Yes I am  aware of 
the Host element, but that's still within Tomcat container and  going through 
the apache web server by invoking the domain name,  there's still no way I 
could specify which app to load now
  www.domain1.com ->  apache web server ->  tomcat(which app?)
  or is it automatically determined by mod_jk which app to load if truly,  the 
Host element is set to Tomcat? I guess I should really get that  mod_jk working 
first... I'll go fix it now and let you know people of  any progress. Thank you 
very much.

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