Hi all,
I have been reading several messages about writing files inside a web application, but I found no answer regarding my problem.

I need to write files on the file system that can be accessible with a browser(I write images).

- The most reliable solution I found was to use the webapp's tmp directory, unfortunately this directory is not accessible with a URL.

- Another solution would be to write these images under my webapp root(or in another place under my webapp). But it seems that this approach does not work with webapps deployed in a war file.
Indeed you cannot write inside wars like this.

I don't want to rely on some hardcoded solutions. There is still the possibility to pass the absolute path to the directory (let's say TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/myimages/) and later, use inside my JSP <request.getContextPath()/../myimages/image1.jpg>, but I think this solution won't work in many configurations

Thanks a lot for your help

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