I’ve tried this before so let me rephrase this.


I am using Tomcat to perform the authentication and I have an app that is adding new users to the tomcat-users database just fine. The problem is that I’d like to get the role and group attributes back. I would rather not keep the information in another database and just use the existing MBean. The "Users:type=UserDatabase,database=UserDatabase" bean only has methods for finding users and getting their full names.


Is there some way to do this or can I change the mbeans-descriptors.xml file to add methods I need that wrap the UserDatabase.getGroups() and UserDatabase.getRoles() methods?


Robert S. Harper
Senior Engineer
Information Access Technology, Inc.
1100 East 6600 South, Suite 300
Salt Lake City Utah USA 84121-7411

(801)265-8800 Ext. 255
FAX (801)265-8880


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