On Wednesday 16 August 2006 07:42, David Smith wrote:
> aladdin wrote:
> >I have an apache-http tomcat configuration set up that works just
> >fine, with static htm's, jsp's, and servlets, except for one thing.  It
> >finds all my .htm static content, and, when serving that, uses the
> >referenced .css style sheets.  However, when it goes to tomcat and
> >serves .jsp files, it doesn't process them with the .css style sheet.
> >
> >I thought that the page went to the browser, the browser "sees" the
> >reference to the .css file, then goes back and requests it to determine
> >how to render the page.
> >
> >Is this right?  If so, why doesn't apache give the .css file out of its 
> >directory
> >like it does for the .htm pages?  BTW, I've also tried putting a copy of the
> >.css file in the same directory as the .jsp pages, to no avail, and, in the 
> >.jsp
> >file, have tried several combinations and permutations of referencing the
> >.css file using various url's including and not including the webapp 
> >directory
> >name.
> >
> >Here's the directory structure:
> >
> >apache's stuff:
> >
> >/var/www/MyWebSite/                         <- All .htm's and .css's
> >/var/webapps/MyWebSite/                 <- All .jsp's and .tld's
> >/var/webapps/MyWebSite/WEB-INF  <- Exactly what you think it is- all 
> >servlets and tag libraries
> >
> >Thanks.
> >anw
> >
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> >
> Your assumption is correct that the client browser makes a separate 
> request to retrieve css files just like images or any other page resource.
> I would think your apache access log would offer some insight into why 
> the css files aren't being delivered and what the status code is.  You 
> can also attempt to access them directly and see what kind of response 
> you get.
> --David

Thanks!  I'll check out those logs as soon as I get into work,  Meantime,
what do you mean by "attempt to access them directly"?


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