John Hinton wrote:
Seems I have everything running up to the point of a test.jsp file being excuted within a virtualhost's user directory.

If I understand correctly, there should be a WEB-INF directory in the virtualhost root directory, with a web.xml document there.

My snag.. is there a built in way to create this directory and the info it should contain?

If I am to create this directory, what permissions should it have? And what about additional classes and librarys, such are are in the default server directory?

A good example of the web.xml file would be helpful as well.
OK, perhaps I should start over..

I am a server admin and have no experience with jsp. I need to run this system especially for a virtual host client.

I seem to have the basics of installation working as I can get to the manager pages. However when I try to open a test.jsp file in that client's virtualhost public_html directory, I get the following error.

 HTTP Status 404 - /test.jsp


*type* Status report

*message* _/test.jsp_

*description* _The requested resource (/test.jsp) is not available._


     Apache Tomcat/5.5.9

My OS is CentOS 3.6 in this case. Could someone please try to help me through this? Actually, I'm not really even sure what

The requested resource (/test.jsp) is not available means? Is this a path to test.jsp problem or a notice that for some reason it can't be run?

John Hinton

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