Hello List,


- 4 node tc 5.0.28 vertical cluster ( :-| same server... still testing, but it could have been 8) listening on ajp
<Connector address="x.x.x.x" port="8009"
        maxProcessors="150" minProcessors="50"
protocol="AJP/1.3" protocolHandlerClassName="org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler"

- 1 httpd 2.0.52 with mod_ajp 1.2.15 and prefork config on RH AS4, kernel 2.6.9-5.EL sticky sessions are disabled to avoid stress scripts hitting only one node

<IfModule prefork.c>
        StartServers       40
        MinSpareServers    80
        MaxSpareServers    280
        ServerLimit        4096
        MaxClients         4096
        MaxRequestsPerChild  4096

- 1 application where a couple of thousand users should hammer the app deployed on the webapp

What happens is the app takes the stresser for a ride until 240 circa users then starts to die; jkmonitor sees linear increase on busy and max requests on only one node and pages hang; disabling the node moves the hung request handling to the next node.

Where's the bottleneck? Any known bug in mod_jk? Should I increase threads on the tomcat nodes?


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