I haven't done any specific testing, however I am running one of my servers 
with .Net 1.1 and .Net 2 (two application pools) along with Tomcat. 

What are you doing with the .Net page to Tomcat? Maybe I can put together a 
simple/similar example and test it out.

>I have 1.2.15 working correctly on WindowsXP, and on another machine, 
>Win2003 (and .NET1.1).
>But I'm in trouble with a machine with Win2003 (IIS6) and .NET2 ( still 
>jk1.2.15 and Tomcat 5.5.17). Randomly (often) I have from IIS a Bad 
>Request resposne (and isapi_log doesn't log anything). The http header 
>requests are correct.
>In the past anyone wasn't able to help me, so now the question is: does 
>anayone tested on Win2003 and .NET2 ?
>Steven Bell ha scritto:
>> I use the redirector version 1.2.15 or 1.2.14,  with a binary 
>> installer (msi.)  1.2.18 does not appear to have a .msi installer yet.
>> I have Tomcat 5.5.17 running on several windows servers, some with IIS 
>> 6, some with 5 and one with 5.1 (my windows xp system.) On all, I used 
>> the .msi installer.
>> I would recommend using 1.2.15 for ease of setup.
>> Here is a short guide to getting started.
>> First, download the msi package and run it. This will install the 
>> files, and make some necessary registry entries.
>> Then:
>> Steps in IIS (these steps are generally done for the default site by 
>> the installer.):
>> 1a. Create a virtual directory called jakarta. Make sure it points to 
>> the bin directory from the install (typically this is x:\Program 
>> Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\bin)
>> 2a. Add an ISAPI filter to the site.
>> Steps in the x:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi 
>> Redirector\conf directory.
>> 1b. Configure the worker files. (I can provide examples if you need 
>> some Windows specific)
>> 2b. Configure the URIMap file. (Again I can provide examples.)
>> Steps to get everything working:
>> 1c. Restart Tomcat (make sure that in server.xml you have uncommented 
>> the redirector connector, and specified a port (typically it points to 
>> 8009). This port should be the same as the port for the worker in 
>> worker file in step 1b.
>> 2c. Restart IIS Admin in Control Panel > Administration > Services.
>> You should now be able to browse over to any mapped url. I haven't 
>> tried to get the administration and manager web apps to work, figuring 
>> the less accessible they are the better off I am. Whenever you make a 
>> change to the files in 1b or 2b, you must restart IIS Admin (or world 
>> wide web publishing) for the changes to take effect.
>> In the system registry, HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Apache Software 
>> Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0 there are several useful entries.
>> 1. log_file -> this key holds the file path to your log file. Very 
>> useful for tracking down why a redirect may not be working.
>> 2. log_level -> I set this to debug during setup and configuration. 
>> The most verbose output, the most detail. After everything is working, 
>> I change it to Info.
>> 3. extension_uri, names the dll for redirection. I wouldn't change this.
>> 4. worker_file, path to worker file. I wouldn't change this.
>> 5. worker_mount_file, path to the URIMap file. I wouldn't change this.
>> I hope this helps out. If you have any questions, or would like to see 
>> some sample configs, please let me know I would be happy to share the 
>> information with you.
>> Steven.
>> Charles Morris wrote:
>>> ***********************
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>>> ***********-***********
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I am new to tomcat.
>>> Trying to install TOMCAT 5.5.17 onto a Windows Server 2003 with Java
>>> 1.5.0_06 and a connector of 1.2.18.  We are using the Microsoft Web 
>>> Services
>>> (IIS 6.0).
>>> Can't seem to find any complete installation instructions, specifically
>>> regarding configuring the all the .properties and .xml files in the conf
>>> directory as well as the registry.
>>> I have been all over the apache web site and found some documentation 
>>> but it
>>> pertains to connector 2.0. the documentation talks about
>>> isapi_redirector2.dll.  Some of the properties files were not 
>>> included in
>>> the download, just pathetic download.  I think I have all the pieces
>>> downloaded now but I need some clear documentation about installing and
>>> configuring it.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> ----------------------------------
>>> Charles Morris
>>> Programmer Analyst
>>> Vertical Market Software
>>> Pensacola, FL  32514
>>> Phone: 850-476-0094
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Steven Bell

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