I found the problem. IIS6 was in IIS5 isolation mode. Turning off, solved.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
I haven't done any specific testing, however I am running one of my servers with .Net 1.1 and .Net 2 (two application pools) along with Tomcat.
What are you doing with the .Net page to Tomcat? Maybe I can put together a 
simple/similar example and test it out.

I have 1.2.15 working correctly on WindowsXP, and on another machine, Win2003 (and .NET1.1). But I'm in trouble with a machine with Win2003 (IIS6) and .NET2 ( still jk1.2.15 and Tomcat 5.5.17). Randomly (often) I have from IIS a Bad Request resposne (and isapi_log doesn't log anything). The http header requests are correct. In the past anyone wasn't able to help me, so now the question is: does anayone tested on Win2003 and .NET2 ?


Steven Bell ha scritto:
I use the redirector version 1.2.15 or 1.2.14, with a binary installer (msi.) 1.2.18 does not appear to have a .msi installer yet. I have Tomcat 5.5.17 running on several windows servers, some with IIS 6, some with 5 and one with 5.1 (my windows xp system.) On all, I used the .msi installer.
I would recommend using 1.2.15 for ease of setup.

Here is a short guide to getting started.
First, download the msi package and run it. This will install the files, and make some necessary registry entries.
Steps in IIS (these steps are generally done for the default site by the installer.): 1a. Create a virtual directory called jakarta. Make sure it points to the bin directory from the install (typically this is x:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\bin)
2a. Add an ISAPI filter to the site.

Steps in the x:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\conf directory. 1b. Configure the worker files. (I can provide examples if you need some Windows specific)
2b. Configure the URIMap file. (Again I can provide examples.)

Steps to get everything working:
1c. Restart Tomcat (make sure that in server.xml you have uncommented the redirector connector, and specified a port (typically it points to 8009). This port should be the same as the port for the worker in worker file in step 1b.
2c. Restart IIS Admin in Control Panel > Administration > Services.

You should now be able to browse over to any mapped url. I haven't tried to get the administration and manager web apps to work, figuring the less accessible they are the better off I am. Whenever you make a change to the files in 1b or 2b, you must restart IIS Admin (or world wide web publishing) for the changes to take effect.

In the system registry, HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0 there are several useful entries. 1. log_file -> this key holds the file path to your log file. Very useful for tracking down why a redirect may not be working. 2. log_level -> I set this to debug during setup and configuration. The most verbose output, the most detail. After everything is working, I change it to Info.
3. extension_uri, names the dll for redirection. I wouldn't change this.
4. worker_file, path to worker file. I wouldn't change this.
5. worker_mount_file, path to the URIMap file. I wouldn't change this.

I hope this helps out. If you have any questions, or would like to see some sample configs, please let me know I would be happy to share the information with you.


Charles Morris wrote:
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Hi guys,
I am new to tomcat.

Trying to install TOMCAT 5.5.17 onto a Windows Server 2003 with Java
1.5.0_06 and a connector of 1.2.18. We are using the Microsoft Web Services
(IIS 6.0).

Can't seem to find any complete installation instructions, specifically
regarding configuring the all the .properties and .xml files in the conf
directory as well as the registry.

I have been all over the apache web site and found some documentation but it
pertains to connector 2.0. the documentation talks about
isapi_redirector2.dll. Some of the properties files were not included in
the download, just pathetic download.  I think I have all the pieces
downloaded now but I need some clear documentation about installing and
configuring it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Charles Morris
Programmer Analyst
Vertical Market Software
Pensacola, FL  32514
Phone: 850-476-0094

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