Good Afternoon,

        I am running Tomcat 5 with CGI enabled. I am attempting to use
Net::SMTP to send e-mail, and it works fine from the command line, but
not running as a CGI script. I have scoured the internet and found other
people with this problem, but the derisive answer to their pleas for
help has been "Write it in Java dummy!"

        I do not have that option, and so I must ask if there is some
security function in Tomcat or a workaround, that allows perl CGI
scripts to make a socket connection to port 25 of another server.

        Thank you for your help in this matter. If you feel any other
details are required to troubleshoot my problem, please feel free to
contact me and ask.

Very Respectfully,

~Sgt Halstead
15th MEU

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