Any/all files related to your web application (including .tld files) should be within your webapp's folder in the /webapps folder of tomcat. No need to move any of this around.

There are however minor exceptions to this. One of those exceptions is if your webapp uses JNDI to access a container managed database pool. In that case, the driver .jar file needs to be in common/lib so both the container and your webapp have access to it.

For a complete description of /common, /shared, and /webapps ; read the classloader howto at:


Roberto Marra wrote:

   Hello Experts,
   Im just a little confused about the structure of Tomcat folder &
   where to put the files. Under my Tomcat installation I got some
   folder like:



   Then I got my application folder let say


   Im confused about where to put the file.

   I got some *.jar about jstl & mysql connector, that now are in
   /common/lib, but why there & not in /shared/lib or why not in

   Then what about the tld files? I puted under /test/WEB-INF/tld
   folder, but now I read that I should put this files in the
   /test/WEB-INF/lib folder within a .jar file and then I read about
   the *.jar Struts files that should be in the /test/WEB-INF folder
   and not in the /test/WEB-INF/lib folder...

   that's pretty confusing me. Can somebody of you give me some
   explanation pls?

   What at the end of the day I would like is:

   1. Understand the best configuration to run a web-application using
   just JSP & using Struts as well
   2. Understand the difference about the various folder that I
   described above.

   Thnx in advance 4 ur help


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