
> But I am seeing the same log messages (info level from the application)
> being dumped into catalina.out, so these are definitely not System.out
> logs.

You must have an appender that is using stdout or stderr as its
destination. Check out your log4j configuration.

> I do have a log4j.properties file in CATALINA_HOME/common/classes
> (attached for your reference).

Umm... here's your problem. It's even documented in the config file!

# Configuration for standard output ("catalina.out").

It looks like you are setting up the "R" appender but never using it:

# Configure the logger to output info level messages into a rolling log
#log4j.rootLogger=INFO, R

# To continue using the "catalina.out" file (which grows forever),
# comment out the above line and uncomment the next.
log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, A1

You have your preferred rootLogger config commented-out, and another one
(using stdout) enabled.

You should really real the documentation on log4j... this one was really
simple ;)


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