OK - I try to explain my problem again:

I want to use a program which sends data to my Tomcat Server to be stored an
disk. The problem is that the program provides only PUT.
At the moment I just try to get the service-method called which is the
initiater for a Servlet. As far as I know, service() usually calls the
appropriate method which can be doGet() or doPost() but doPut() as well. But
duPut() haven't been called. Therefore I overwrote service() and expected it
to handle any request by just writing a debuginformation into a logfile. But
that happend only when I sent a request from a normal html-form using the
POST- or GET-method. When I use the program for which I write my Servlet
nothing happens at all.
I also traced the TCP-connection using Ethereal and found out that both the
HTML-form and the "PUT-program" send data to the Servlet. But it just isnt't
triggert when Tomcat receives a PUT-request. Therefore I think that I need
to reconfigure Tomcat in any way but I have no idea how to do that. And by
the way: even Apache doesn't accept PUT-requests by default.

I would still be happy if anybody can help me.


2006/10/20, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


> I overwrote the service-method of HttpServlet. When I call my servlet
> using an PUT service() is not called. If I use a normal Webform, it
> is called.

Woah, what is a Webform? Are you using some kind of application
framework such as Struts or Tapestry? If so, then the rules are very

Please tell us what your system looks like.

> I also had a look on the sent packages - They are almost equal, but
> the one begins with put and the other with post. Due to that fact I
> am pretty sure that it has to do with Tomcat.

Is this working under another servlet container, but not under Tomcat?


Philipp Suedmeyer
116 Gloucester Road
South Kensington
SW7 4XH London
United Kingdom

Mobile: +44 79 30 94 18 01

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