
instead of apache2 make a directory listing the tomcat want to do that
and returns 

  The requested resource (/info/) is not available.

URL: http://ong.de.lucent.com/info

With the URL "http://ong.de.lucent.com/tools"; the dir listing works but also
made by Tomcat.

I have two Apache2/Tomcat installations on Solaris. One as test environment 
and one as planned productive environment.
On the test environment the apache make all the directorry listings. -> OK.
On the planned prod environment the tomcat do that.
The config files should be the same in both environment (exept some pathes,
hostnames and IP addresses; diff checked)

How it is possible to prevent the forward from Apache to tomcat ?

If I remove all Jk- directives from the httpd.conf and do not load "mod_jk.so"
then it works. But then no java support.

I have searched on google, on the Apache/Tomcat docu and
the log output of mod_jk say me nothing.

Does anybody have a hint ?

If more infos/configs needed please let me know.

Thanks a lot.

Werner Franke

Test SUN:  Solaris 8
Prod. SUN: Solaris 9
Apache2:   2.0.55
Tomcat:    5.5.12

Part of httpd.conf.

JkWorkersFile common/workers.properties
JkLogFile     ong/logs/mod_jk.log
JkShmFile     ong/logs/jk-runtime-status
JkLogLevel    debug
JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat +ForwardDirectories
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"

<VirtualHost 112.456.789.22:80>
   DocumentRoot /vol/www

# all JkMount directives commented out
The directory "info" is part of /vol/www

File workers.properties:


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