I know premature optimization is root of some evil, but I prefer the setup I
have at the moment, I think it will work fine. I beleive I will benefit
performance wise if I don't have to do constant queries against my db, I am
not sure how much performace gain there will be. As far as indexing with
lucene, I am using a RAM index, which is updated whenever the user elects to
republish content, the index is also stored on disk in xml form so that if
the webapp has to be rebooted (which will happen invariably) it will be
parsed and reindex into RAM.

On 10/23/06, Mikolaj Rydzewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'll probably end doing that, I understand apache is better for serving
> static content. However the problem isn't where user data is stored,
> my user
> data is stored in a database. Basically my app is similar to a dating
> site(it is not  a dating site) where a user's profile doesn't chnage
> regularly so there is no reason to use jsp for accessing such a page,
> secondly, I am using lucene which can't search jsp directly. I'll
> eventually
> install apache and use it to access html.
Why do you insist on generating static content? Write one generic
'profile.jsp', fetch user's data from a database (you already has one)
and that's it. Have you measured that accessing db _really_ slows down
your system? If not, so don't waste your time with unneeded optimisations.

Speaking about Lucene: it's a waste of its power to index html files
generated from a database. Index text data you insert into database, not
the generated files.

Mikolaj Rydzewski      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://ceti.pl/~miki/
                    PGP KeyID: 8b12ab02
There are three kinds of people: men, women and unix.


"talk trash and carry a small stick."

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