
> a user's profile doesn't change regularly so there is no reason to
> use jsp for accessing such a page, secondly, I am using lucene which
> can't search jsp directly.

Lucene cannot search HTML pages directly, either. Lucene requires an
index which is separate from everything else. What you ought to do is
update your Lucene index when someone updates their profile.

I would seriously recommend re-working your site so that all content is
dynamic, and comes directly from your database. For Lucene, just make
incremental changes to your index whenever a user changes something.

Trust me: this will make your life a lot easier. You won't have to
decide what to do when previously-generated HTML documents become out of
date for some strange reason, and you have to purge and re-build every
"profile" page on your site. It's just not worth it.


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