
> It's been working just fine, no problems.   But our ISP had a power outage,
> that forced a reboot on the servers.  And now, one of the servers
> Apache/Tomcat link appears to not work, so that server is still offline.
> Again, we had no config changes, only a reboot forced on the server.
> The error I get in the logs is:  Error connecting to tomcat. Tomcat is
> probably not started or is listening on the wrong port. worker=p2 failed
> errno = 13

If it possible that your server was up so long before the power failure
that you forgot about some field modification that wasn't recorded in a
startup script or something like that?

For example, if you made a modification to your software (or hardware)
firewall without storing those changes somewhere, you might find
yourself cut off after a reboot.

If Tomcat and Apache are running on the same machine, then I'm not sure
what to tell you. <shrug>


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