maybe you could put your timertask in an servlets init() method and the put <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> in the web.xml of that servlet which makes the the servle load on startup (who would hav guessed) and therefore call init()

Dort Wach wrote:

Hello everybody,

I have a TimerTask. I start it manually (on a jsp page) and it execute a method 
every one hour.

If someone restart Tomcat server, the TimerTask won't be executed any more. I 
have to start it manually again. Go to the page an click start button.

Is there a possibility, to start my TimerTask automatically, when the Tomcat 
server was restarted.

Maybe there is some configuration in web.xml or something like that?

Like in Windows XP, if I copy some script in startup...

Thanks in advance.

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