Hello.  I have Tomcat 5.0.28 installed on my Windows XP machine.  Under 
webapps I have a website installed, and under the website I have a *.wmv 
file installed.  If I access this file through Internet Explorer as 
http://<machine_name>:8080/mysite/test.wmv, the file does not open in 
media player, but displays as text.  I have made sure that the web.xml has 
the mime type defined.  If I access the file as 
http://localhost:8080/mysite/test.wmv, the file will be played in media 
file.  If I access the file from a different machine and access as 
http://<machine_name>:8080/mysite/test.wmv, the file will be played in 
media player.  My question is, if I am logged into my machine and I access 
the file using the machine name, why is it displayed as text, but 
localhost works?  Thank you.

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