I am wondering whether Tomcat supports thread pool configuration for
each webapp.  My understanding is that all webapps share the pool
configured for the connector.
Let's say I have webapps A and B, and A is more critical webapp.  Let's
say my connector's pool size is 100, and there are 100 concurrent
requests destined for A and B each (so total 200 requests here).  I
would like to allocate 70 threads to process A's requests, and only 30
for B's.
Is this something that Tomcat supports?  If not, what would be a good
alternative strategy for it?  I am thinking of using a RequestProcessor
to reject requests depending on its destination but that is not very
elegant as requests are rejected instead of being queued.
Thanks in advance.
Huy T. Vo
Voice: 408-853-0535
Fax:    408-853-4021

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