I am trying to modify the snoop.jsp that comes with Tomcat 5.5.20.  I
have the following snippet in my jsp and it compiles fine:

    <td>Path info</td><td><%
out.print(util.HTMLFilter.filter(request.getPathInfo())); %></td>

If I add the following before the above use of getPathInfo, I get syntax
errors on the new code (the old code still does not report any errors):

    <td>Context path</td><td><%=
out.print(util.HTMLFilter.filter(request.getContextPath())); %></td>
    <td>Servlet path</td><td><%=
out.print(util.HTMLFilter.filter(request.getServletPath())); %></td>

The error is:

 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

 An error occurred at line: 43 in the jsp file: /snp/snoop2.jsp
 Generated servlet error:
 Syntax error on token ";", delete this token

 An error occurred at line: 46 in the jsp file: /snp/snoop2.jsp
 Generated servlet error:
 Syntax error on token ";", delete this token

I have not changed anything from the default Jasper configuration.

(Is this the best place to ask this kind of question?)

Mitchell Fisher | Unisys Corp.

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