Justin Jaynes wrote:
> Mark Thomas,
> To start on a positive note, I 've never found an open source project with
> real help as accessable, as reliable, as knowledgeable, or as patient as I
> have with Tomcat.  I have access to amazing
> support/discussion groups, with immediate communications to developers and
> document writers.  It's better than any product I've ever paid for.

Thank-you on behalf of the entire community.

> The definition of a context there is VERY VAGUE.  And although it lists the 
> elements of a context, it gives NO EXAMPLES and no explanation of how to 
> create a context, and what a context does.  It says what a context is, but 
> not what it does.

The configuration documents are written assuming familiarity with a
number of concepts, contexts being one of them. Have you read
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/appdev/index.html ? It is
intended to provide an introduction to all of the basics, including

I have read through the application developers guide and I can't see
any obvious gaps, but the gaps will be different for different people.
If you, or anyone else, has suggested changes, additions or
enhancements for the documentation I would be happy to look at them.

One thing I do want to add is a virtual hosting how-to.


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