
> The URL of my servlet is
> http://www.noveleditions.com/gaaradio/servlet/GAARadioServlet.
>  My servlet does read from the input stream of the http 
> servet request, and doesn't use FileUploadBase directly. The 
> servlet lives in a webapp directory called gaaradio. The 
> servlet mapping is set up and works fine when the HTTP POST 
> data is less than 2016 bytes. However in the case where I get 
> the 411 code my servlet is never invoked.

> I know this because 
> I have the RequestDumperValve turned on in Tomcat and no logs 
> are output in that case.

For me this sounds like an transparent proxy issue.
Try tcpdump / wireshark on the system running tomcat and see if the request
even reaches that computer.


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