The easiest is the filter and custom HttpServletResponse which overrides encodeURL() to do nothing.

It could be made one step smarter by checking if the User agent is a search engine bot to selectively execute or not.


Mikolaj Rydzewski wrote:

As you may know url rewriting feature is not a nice thing when spiders come to index your site -

There are a few solutions I'm thinking of:

   * configuration at Tomcat / web.xml level to disable/enable url
     rewriting (unfortunately Tomcat doesn't support it)
   * do not use <c:url, <html:link, and similiar tags - could be quite
     expensive when working with Strurs or other framework
   * extend classes for <c:url, <html:link and other tags not to make
     use of url rewriting - seems quite a good solution, but could be a
     problem with legacy applications
   * apply a filter in web.xml to remove ;jsessionid=XXX from the
     generated output - I'm afraid it'd be quite resource expensive
     (lots of string operations)
   * apply a filter in web.xml to inject custom HttpServletResponse
     implementation with empty encodeURL method - seems quite interesting
   * apply a similiar filter at the apache level (I assume one is uing
     apache as a fronted to tomcat) - I didn't benchmark it, but I
     suppose that a perl filter would be faster than similiar Java one

What are your opinions?

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