On 12/7/06, Peter Crowther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I'd too like to know which communities are "out-innovating" java?

My first like-for-like example would be .Net - and for those who don't
think this is a community compared to Java, note that both have large
companies supporting them.  To anticipate an argument, comparing Java to
PHP or Ruby simply "because it's not Microsoft" is specious.  One should
compare like with like.

The original posters question was about php, that's why i was talking
about php (and ruby since its pretty similar).
Comparing Java and .NET is natural, but I fear it's hard to make out
great differences between both concerning development times or hosting
I would say that you can implement each project with both Java and
.NET in same time and same staff costs if you'd knew both equally
well. So you just should pick the one that fits the project, the
customer's wishes and requirements better and the one you know better.
Generally speaking I think that the fastest path is the one you know best.

My second like-for-not-like community would be PHP.  It's a community
that doesn't have major corporate backing, but the rate of innovation of
packages in the PHP world is very high indeed.  I feel it's not
necessarily ideal for large sites - where this thread started - due to
its present implementation, but it's certainly good for small to medium

Again, you will deliver best performance with tools you know best. But
for non-functional requirements like performance, stability,
scalability, robustness, extensibility, flexibility, manageability and
so on php is not really an alternative.

> To stay in you example, comparing php (or ruby for this matter) to
> java is like comparing bicycles with cars.
> Sure its fun to make a ride on sunday. Sure it's ok to bike to the
> office on a sunny day, if the office is 30 minutes away.
> But trying to deliver a fridge to the customer with a bike is
> rather stupid.

But realising that not everybody requires a 4-seater car, and that (say)
a Smart car is relevant, is *precisely* an example of out-innovation.

Disagreed with the example since the bicycle misses the critical parts
of the car - i.e. the motor. You can build a car-looking bike, but
without a motor it will stay a bike.

> Btw. I'm ashamed that I don't know it, but does C# has a similar
> concept to ThreadLocals?

Yes, since 1.0.


Thank ;-) Good to know.

                - Peter


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