1) How do you submit your forms ... a few years ago I had a guy who show my
that "issue", in fact he submitted the form "oncheck" on an input image ...

2a) There is a simple server side pattern two avoid double submit:(could not
find the www reference).
* jsp put a token in the session (scriplet, taglib).
* submit action test the token and remove it from the session.
so the second post can safely fail as the token is not found !

2b) js code !?

On 12/19/06, Pierre Goupil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello, listers !

As you have certainly seen it, some sites submit their forms as many times
as you validate them. For instance, how many forums post two messages if,
mistake, you click on the submit button twice ?

As everyone (I guess), I had to face this problem, and then... I gave
Hibernate a try : then, for some reason, it didn't happened to my webapp
anymore. Great, thought I !

But today, in front of my customers for a demo (!), I decided not to use
Firefox as usual, but Konqueror (a Linux browser). And to show them, I
validated a form 5-6 times and... it got submited twice. 'f*?*?' thought I
'Not now...' :-/

If anyone could explain me this behaviour, it would be appreciated : why
Hibernate can avoid this on a Firefox, but partly not on another browser !

But if I post it here is because my REAL question is this one : does
know a way to totally avoid this ? I guess this is servlet container
Tomcat, for me) - related.

Any suggestions ?



To her who remembers every word spoken,
From the heroe's oath
To the baby's cry.
You're my eternal witness.

"Souviens-toi qu'au moment de ta naissance tout le monde était dans la joie
et toi dans les pleurs.
Vis de manière qu'au moment de ta mort, tout le monde soit dans les pleurs
et toi dans la joie."

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